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Lacson, Sotto tandem to run in #Eleksyon2022, Ping confirms | 24 Oras
Lacson, Sotto tandem to run in Eleksyon 2022, Ping confirms | SONA
PH Senate President confirms Lacson-Sotto tandem for 2022 | ANC
Lacson, Sotto tandem to run in Eleksyon 2022, Ping confirms | UB
Lacson, Sotto formally launch tandem for 2022 polls
Lacson, Sotto launch 2022 bid | ANC
In campaign launch, Lacson and Sotto say 'enough' of Duterte
Ping Lacson and Tito Sotto official candidacy launch
Running in 2022 polls, Lacson, Sotto say they won’t neglect Senate jobs | Evening wRap
Lacson, Sotto tandem for 2022 now official
Ping Lacson eyes presidential bid, will run only with Tito Sotto as VP
Lacson-Sotto in 2022 elections?